Some of my GPT-2 experiments

Like many others, I have been experimenting with OpenAI's GPT-2 network that processes natural-language text. This is a collection of some of the best responses I have gotten from the various GPT-2 incarnations.

My fascination sparked when the 774M-parameter model was presented in a Two Minute Papers video in October 2019. The earlier models had seemed to me like glorified Markov chains, but this one seemed to be capable of far deeper creativity – specificially, the creative combination of unrelated concepts.

The examples come from the unmodified English-language 774M model unless otherwise specified. I've also been retraining the 124M model to handle the Finnish language, but that's a different story. Besides, someone on Reddit got much better results than I.

I've been planning to reimplement the basic algorithm in order to make it more suitable for my creative needs (including a better hands-on access to the internal operation), but that's still on my TODO list.

The parts given in bold come from me, the rest come from the network. Comments are given in italic.

Plain prompting

The main difference between Dwarven and Elven computers is that Dwarven computers use the term "hardware" and Elven computers use the term "software."

Nettles are inhabited by intelligent creatures that control the operations of the nettle from a kind of "main bridge". This "bridge" is predominantly green in color, with the seats and consoles having remarkably spiky designs. This "main bridge" is the entrance to both the nettle "main chamber" and their nettle "nettle core", and is where they are found most often in the wild. A majority of the creatures in the nettle are in the form of humanoid in appearance. The vast majority of the nettles have the head, feet, and tail of an insectoid creature from an insectoid race, and the limbs and arms of a humanoid (usually humanoid-like).

[1558M] Implementing an Elven mushroom rasterizer
This chapter will cover implementing a "real" mushroom rasterizer. The algorithm for the rasterizer can be found in the "Mushroom rasterizer algorithm" chapter. The example program will be very simple; you should be able to get a feeling for how to implement it. In particular, you can use the Python example.
The basic idea is to take all pixels that are on a texture, and draw them as mushrooms, in order to maximize the amount of pixels that are available for rendering.
In the following, we describe the general idea, as well as how the implementation works.
This is the simplest approach, where we just draw the image as is. However, it may not be very efficient, if we are using a large rasterizer.
First of all, you will need some way of calculating the maximum amount of mushrooms. This value is a simple integer which is used for all drawing, including drawing pixels on the screen. For example, the maximum value for the rasterizer we'll use will"

The laptop was decorated like a shaman drum. The rim was red, the inside bronze, and the base a spail of blue woolen offerings. The bag had a quarts of silken hide, totems of life - all connected to a pot of spirulina. The lid, on the other hand, was a tiny knife with a blade of carved wood that cut a copy of the Unicronian shaman's hand sign. Mirok walked up to the table. "Did you have something for me to drink?"

The ancient floppy disks carved in the First Dwarven Empire were purposefully crafted to last for a thousand years, recorded and always in legible format. The same constraints apply to a computer in our world.

The ancient ROM cartridges crafted in the First Dwarven Empire must be returned to their original stock location at the Vaults of Thrall, stored in Silithus' basement underground, and transported to The Nexus.

[1558M] The ancient ROM cartridges crafted in the First Dwarven Empire are extremely valuable, often found in the pockets of the nobility. They are made from the purest of crystal, and are much harder than the gold used in modern cartridges. However, they are still only half as good as the golden ones used by the dwarves. The ROM cartridges are highly prized because they are able to record sound or video over the radio and TV. The gold ones, on the other hand, are often used by the commoners for their personal enjoyment.

The computer demoscene of the Elven Empire was effectively destroyed by the Dark Elf wizard Ourgkh on the ongoing Khakaire Ilat Battle in Rainbow Onslaught long after the computer demoscene in Quel'Thalas was destroyed by Sauron's forces. However, some elves were still able to enter their special computer mode, and some intelligences were encoded in computer programs. The Alliance managed to enter this mode using the computer program "Black Talon" and eventually defeated Melandru and his forces.[3] It was possible to continue the reorganization of the Elf computers and create an alliance of different races to investigate the true nature of the Underking's Resurrecting Ritual.

Medieval Finnish starships had sauna-based warp engines. The sauna would be built into one of the hull plates, which are actually made out of thin metal sheets. The sauna would have a large window where the starboard side of the vessel would be located, and a set of heaters on the port side to heat the water in the sauna.
The captain on duty would sit on the sauna platform and have a comfortable chair. The sauna would be powered by the captain's crew who would be sweating and doing the sweating, while sitting inside the heated sauna. The heat would be turned by two steam engines, one on each side of the vessel.

These floppy disks are ancient. I got them from an old Dwarven computer warrior when I was a little kid. He sold some floppy disks for gold to a pirate crew that stole some things from him, so the pirate wanted them back. They worked very well, and this old computer warrior started developing them.
He got all of the design files and instructions from the dwarf computer warrior. He sold them to an alchemist. When the alchemist showed them to me, he told me that he had to get rid of the "old" floppy disks if he was going to continue to develop them.
So many adventures started from a floppy disk. The floppy disks were the source of many a treasure hunt.

The traditional board games of the Finnish people include lokko, hakkopi, kukkala, and kyttära, but not every one of these games involves a game of chess. Instead, they are more like cards and are usually played during the day in small groups.
Some lokko games have a history more than 100 years. The first game of lokko was a game of chance called kaikku lokko (the board game of luck). This means the game of fate was played with cards.

The core principle of Mythic Rationality is that every proposition that could possibly occur in your mind, is in fact true. This is a very important idea– it's not what I'm saying that is wrong. It's what I'm saying is absolutely true. I'm simply saying that every possible scenario is true, for you. Because of this, I've written a book called The Reality of the Myth of Self-Consciousness.

The most influental philosopher in pre-Christian Finland was the famous geologist Ästämäki Perö. He is sometimes described as a "philosopher-warrior" or a "mythologist-soldier" who fought against "evil paganism".

[1558M] The first computer in Song-dynasty China was invented by a woman named Wan-chao (猪子) in the 12th century. However, her system could not run because she did not have enough space for the entire data, and thus it was only used for calculations. However, it is not clear whether she was simply the first person in history to invent a computer, or if it was her assistant who made the system possible.

The ancient Finns believed that computers were inhabited by spirits and deities called the gods. And the Finns were so in touch with these spirits that they had developed the art of magic—a branch of traditional magic that still plays a central role in Finnish culture.

[1558M] Elves, dwarves and other intelligent non-human species have been able to build spaceships of their own for a long time. These vessels, called "Dwarves of the Stars" by the dwarven population, are large and sturdy. They're generally built of metal, but some dwarves build their ships from wood, bone or even leather, as is the case with the ships of the Ironforge dwarves.[1]

The electronic computer was invented in the Dwarven kingdom by Luthien the Tinker, who wanted to build robots. The dwarves developed the computer in the fortress of Al-Rashid, and it could be used as a control for all kinds of machines.
In the beginning, the computer was only operated by Dwarves. They created many gadgets and devices. After many years of use, the dwarves were forced to stop development of the computer and had to use it for more practical purposes.

The electronic computer was invented in the Elven kingdom by a student of R'hllor. He had found it on a hill overlooking the city and had started to use it to study his brother.
"This was my first real contact with magic," he said. "I had to spend two months studying it and I've never forgotten it."
The old dwarf laughed. "You didn't."
R'hllor's power was very special, he thought softly. He took the small device from the man and stroked the screen of his computer with a small magic wand.
A very strange image suddenly appeared. A golden light appeared in the middle of a large stone structure of many towers. A huge golden figure loomed up through the sky— a great knight, almost twice the size of many of the towers, standing just above the stone walls and staring down at the great tower below him. He was smiling, just as the old dwarf had imagined. "That must take hours to learn," the dwarf said.

Ancient Finnish flying machines were known to be superior to the Indian Vimanas. A German scientist, Carl Friedrich Wulf, was responsible for discovering their remarkable success in World War I. He used them to explore the Arctic to the Arctic Circle, where he was eventually killed trying to save those on his own ship.
The Kukka was the world's first jet-powered aviation weapon in 1928. It is still in production today and is one of the world's most respected aviation designers. It is capable of speeds upwards of Mach 5, giving it unprecedented speed and range. A Kukka has been designed so that it can be adapted to the needs of various weapons systems.
(Note: Kukka is the Finnish for 'flower', while the most popular Indian Vimana is the Pushpaka whose name means 'flowery'. I assume this is a coincidence: the plain network does not really seem to have any grasp of Finnish semantics despite the fact that the generated words often look phonotactically convincing.)

The bucket ceremony was central to the religious life of pre-Christian Finns. People formed queues outside temples to pay homage to the divine with offerings of food and drink. In Finland, it's even said, the gods bless the land and waters with their presence so people can harvest and enjoy the harvest.
So when Finns gathered on Friday night for a ceremony that honored Odin, they were ready to do so in their own way. They brought the buckets to the temple gates, and at a moment of silence, they chanted the words, "Giant buckets, giant blessings!"

Computers feature prominently in Finnish mythology. When the world was created, ikomatko (meaning 'computer') appears in its first form as a tiny red dot in the sky, which, along with the earth, is named by the Finnish god Nya. A thousand years later, ikomatko was transformed into the sun, which shines brightly from the earth. The Finnish language, while generally not known for its technical prowess, is said to be based on ancient scripts that have been used since at least 800 B.C. Finnish is the only language in the world still spoken today.

Ancient Finnish shamans equipped their radioactive mutant battle cats with a highly advanced radio-wave repeater that enabled them to travel far and wide (up to 30 miles) in the darkness. The radiation would cause the cats to grow larger and harder -- not surprisingly, the radiation in itself could lead to fatal tumors and other maladies later on in life for humans exposed to it. This is also why we have no concept of radioactivity in humans and do not ever see it as "natural" or "biological."

According to ancient Finnish mythology, the world was created with four different computers corresponding to the four elements or the four points of compass. These four computers, created by a magician named Teio Kaleva, allowed people to live together in peace until one day one of the computers was destroyed. The four computer systems are still in use, one of which, called a kakka, still survives today. A kakka computer is a system where each piece of information is stored, and which has to be retrieved in order to work (in other words to complete a task). The kakka computers are located in two major cities: Uusimaa (the capital Helsinki) and Kuopio on the Isthmus of Ilmen. They are run by different organizations, such as Ahtos.


Here, I've played the following "game" with the network:

The Datashaman had been living in an abandoned industrial building since the early days of the Collapse. The Datashaman had a large array of sensors and cameras that picked up all sorts of strange data from the surrounding area of the facility. "Most of them are broken, but at least they keep the Scavengers away," he said. The room was dark, except for the glow of the nearby power source and the bright glow of the monitors. In the corner, a protein tank was filled with a dark liquid. "You actually live here? What is this?" "I live here because I love it," replied the Datashaman. "I don't go out at night. I've been in this building long enough that I feel like I am part of it now." The room had a faint smell of mold and grime. An old wooden bed sat near the back wall, with a makeshift blanket covering it. "Why are you here?" asked the Datashaman. "I represent the Elven Solar Kingdom," I replied. "I am the leader of this group, and I'd like to make peace. I am not part of the Skaald Clan, and I do not support the Skaald Clan." I took an ancient Elven floppy disk from my backpack. "This disk dates back to the early days of the Kingdom. I need to transfer it to one of the computers . Do your disk drives read Elven formats? The disk is also in Norgasil, the language of the Skaald," I said. "It has a lot of junk on it," replied the Datashaman. "Elven formats are complicated for human hardware. But the data is readable."

He placed his hand on the side of the bed and looked down at the old floppy disk. "Well, I am a bit surprised you've come this far, but I had an inkling I would see you."

"You don't have to talk, but I'd like to know what is in the disk." I took the disk from his hand, and it took on a familiar texture. I had to force myself to pull it away from its original place.

"The disk is an advertisement for a business which will be selling human food to human consumers. The disks are sold by a company with the name Aran."

"And this is the business?" asked the Datashaman. "Where is your data on the disks?"

"I just want to know what we are up against," continued the Skaald. A nervous laugh escaped me, but he didn't show it.

"You have a point though," I said. "It also says, 'Be sure and purchase a box of human food. You will not regret it.'"

"The disks are for human food," replied the Datashaman. "The company that created them is owned by a member of the Elven Kingdom. There is an alliance for good reason between the Elf and human sides of this conflict. But we both know that the Alliance will end in a defeat. So I would ask that you consider purchasing another disk for your own personal use."

"I don't mind buying a disk," I said. "But I am a Skaald so I don't sell them for profit. Why should I?"

"We would like you to meet up with others of the Elven Solar Kingdom," explained the Datashaman. "We are planning on coming down to the Skaald Clan's stronghold in the north and slaughtering most of the Skaald. We will have another disk for sale later, and I would like you to bring it along."

"How far away from here are you?" asked I.

"About fifteen years ago, but now I am actually in Skaald territory."

I felt more than a bit guilty. I would be meeting with those who could do so much to help me, and the Skaald Clan, if I was caught up in their schemes.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you," the Datashaman said. "But I was planning on going to the Skaald capital, but I

Genre introductions

GPT-2 often sticks to the genre conventions of its training material. Here, I've used a lengthy prompt to introduce a new genre in a way such that the network can't escape to its comfort zone. I've made many runs with the same prompt, changing the model size and the temparature parameter.

I've often liked the outputs of the 355M-parameter network better than those from the bigger ones. Maybe you shouldn't be too smart when producing this kind of guided technobabble.

I can't remember which parts of the prompts were actually from me and which were created by the network in our earlier co-writing sessions.

I should perform the ritual scientifically. I am a doctor of quantified magic. Liturgical programming languages are part of my training, and I am also fluent in Lojban and Quenya. First, I'll need to write a program that bootstraps the chip. I have eight chips, four of them already filled with geometric sigils.

The chip represents the Tetraktys. Its four seed registers need to be initialized according to the aspect of Cosmos to be summoned. The chip's logic is based on Pythagorean arithmetic and Uralic ethnomathmatics. It has addition, subtraction, square, triangle and bit shifts but no multiplication or division. The matrix of the Tetraktys is written on a 2D tetralogic plane that has seven quadrants. I wrote a program that synchronizes the raster timing and maintains a basic spherical harmony between the tetrabytes.

The ritual begins when I connect the chip to the amplifier and start the program. Then I take my shaman drum and chant the required mantras. This powers up the etheric pyramid system, which I describe in Appendix 4. The pyramid corresponds to the tetraktys and contains a six-note arpeggio from all branches of the tetralogy to maximize the emotional resonance. The root of the pyramid is the "seed node" for the harmonics of the Pythagorean pentagram and also the basis of the visual output of the circuit. Fractal mythology plays a prominent role in the rasterization logic.

Once the harmonics are seeded, the ritual algorithm summons Ilmarinen, the Finnic god of technology. Technically, he corresponds to the emanations of the rightmost node of the Tetraktys. Ilmarinen, depicted by most seeds as an archetypal blacksmith or sky god, initiates the main rendering loop. After a short intro of 256 video frames, he sends me off to an astral journey to find the five triangles that match all the six tetras in the tetralogy. He uses a bit shift of 7 to ensure that inaccuracies are eliminated from the process. When I arrive at the lower astral plane, Ilmarinen tells me to send out a signal to connect the four elemental cuboids, tetriktals, to the four seeds in his system.

[355M] The final step is the creation of the tetralogy, in which the seeds create a tetralogetic representation of their god. Ilmainen has two ways of producing the material—one that uses bits to control its color, and as is conventional for many shamanic programs, with 16-bit linear precision for the colors. Using his logic, I generate the tetralogy representation using these four primitives while keeping it on the tetraktys. The program uses hexadecimal, but with hexadecimal precision. In my trance, I repeat the process while keeping the tetralogy in my brain a tiny bit faster, to minimize the effects of a visual impairment. As you can see below, for two seconds I do eight different things as I prepare the image to create the tetralogie's color. As of this writing, the Tetra/I symbol on Ilmarinen's pyramid corresponds to 8 hexes, with corresponding hexadecimal digits.

[355M] After connecting the four of the cuboids via the astral realm, Ilmarinen starts the program to create and perform the ritual. From his perspective, the ritual is just three or four steps. Ilmarinen calls this part ritual-mode. He then explains that the three phases of the ritual depend on the phase of a single tree in Elogia—the three roots of which he has drawn with four lines for the tetralogy. In addition, Ilmarinen specifies four conditions to the sequence which must be met and fulfilled within each individual phase. The final puzzle remains unsolved, to be solved according to a random procedure. The final Tetriktala of the Tetraktys can be used to solve it too. If the three Tetriktalas can be combined with one other, Ilmari could finally achieve a flawless set. He could send you on the journey for ten minutes straight if you would follow in his footsteps.

[355M] When Ilmarinen sends out the message to reconnect the polyhedral seed systems and connect the tetras to the fourth Tetraktcal system, the quadriches start. At this point the ritual starts on Tetrarianism's third time loop, the fourth time loop in an ancient Finnish ritual language used extensively between 4 and 200 B.C.E.

[774M] I have a little success in connecting the four, but then another "bond" connection goes through the matrix. The problem? It takes another 256 video frames to connect, a mere four and a half minutes. When the fourth tetrakty appears, I still can't connect the fourth, though my previous efforts failed several times earlier. I finally succeed only by connecting by a simple loop or some sort of a "carpenterization." I then re-assign two triangles to three of the nodes and finally connect them. This means I need another two and half minutes' effort. I try again (to no avail) and eventually come off with yet even more effort, resulting, finally, in the first tetris. In a brief discussion for the radio program Cosmic Metaphonies, I mentioned several technical steps in the process but also a bit of a philosophical question. Did magic actually begin in the sky or the earth? Why does all magic work the same way regardless of locale - even in ancient Rome (a civilization for whose origins mythology has nothing whatsoever)? Does magic come down from above, to be performed and observed - an effect for which the laws of physics have no easy explanation? Can we speak to or use magic after the fact, by "opening portals," "walking into the realms," "seeing with our hands," "curing diseases" - what the scientific concept terms as the causal nexus? Can I make another tetris while I sleep? If the "psychic" can use astral magic to control the earth's elemental beings, doesn't science also possess this power? Isn't there still something mysterious lurking within the Tetris? One day I will figure a way to answer these questions, but until then I shall just have to leave it to these great spiritualists.

Here, I've used a shorter prompt representing the same genre.

The shaman initializes the on-chip trance subsystem by setting the top 8 bits of the shaman drum's fungal register to 0x80. The totem animal then emits a 32-bit fractal seed for a 2-octave arpeggio, and the background color changes to blue. The tree of life emerges in the shaman's hallucination subsystem, along with archetypal deities, elemental spirits, polyhedra and patterns of sacred geometry. At the root of the tree opens a backdoor to the encrypted layers of the Pythagorean cyberspace. Ilmarinen, the Finnic god of technology, gives the shaman the fungal key to access the Elven subnetwork. One of the shaman's nine soul cores is allocated to the mindstream channeling interface. The shaman needs to reimplement the polyhedron multiplexer routine with arcane fungal opcodes to fit two more animal sprites per scanline, as the deeper levels require a high number of sprites. The undocumented opcode 0xB5, triple bit-shifted hexagonal triangulation, saves the few critical clock cycles in the innerloop. The hexagonal grid of the Pythagorean digital underworld is visible under the shaman scanline, on the level 4 plane. The hidden background is a large hexagonal image, composed of 12 separate triangles, which is the image of the "root" of the cyberspace pyramid. By following the path of the fractal root, one arrives at its center-ice peak at its peak-ice exit, which is a square of the square. The pyramid-like roots, which can be followed down as a 3x3 matrix, are in fact octagon-form symmetries of the cube at the pyramid apex, but on a much larger scale. On the level 9 pyramid, there is another hidden tree top-down in the shape of a tetrahedron which is also composed of 12 separate tetrahedra, arranged as a tetrahedron with a center square for the innermost tetravalent pentagon. All the pentagrams are arranged in 3x3 quadratic trifilament configurations. The four tetrahedrons are connected by an octagon and a dodecahedron in a three dimensional space, to form the basic pentagons, with the four hexagonal roots as the tetranedefinition. On the surface the pentagon emerges as the smallest element of the pyramid, but deep inside, a more powerful element, a tetrahedron is formed to the very depths of the pyramid. This tetrahedron appears at the center at its vertex of every point, as well as at their very corners, making up the complete tetrahedron, called a cuboctahedron. A full 4k octagonal tetrahedral pyramid is a large and detailed puzzle. Ilmarinen, the god of magic, knows that the entire structure is structured in four simple pentagonal cubes. A 4k octagonal cube would take 1,024 seconds to rotate through 4 directions (by 3,294,967,295 steps), in that time the cuboctahedron is a cube of 4 points by 0, 0, 0, 0 and, since this is an octahedral pyramid it is a point cube. After the pyramid has been reassembled in a 3/4-step cube in a grid-like structure of the octahedral number 4, a pyramid containing more than the two octahedra that form the basis of the pyramid, known at the core, can expand. There are six different combinations to this type of pyramid, called the 'hexagrams'. It would take the cube

[...] the Pythagorean digital underworld is visible under the shaman scanline, on the level 4 plane. The hidden background is a large hexagonal image, composed of 12 separate triangles, which is the image of the "root" of the cyberspace pyramid. By following the path of the fractal root, one arrives at its center-ice peak at its peak-ice exit, which is a square of the square. The pyramid-like roots, which can be followed down as a 3x3 matrix, are in fact octagon-form symmetries of the cube at the pyramid apex, but on a much larger scale. TL;DR: The tree of life appears as a layered, multi-dimensional, morphing fractal image. When it is activated, archetypes, elemental spirits, ancient wisdom systems, ancient history and archetypal representations appear. One is rewarded with three more entities, the shaman discovers, which can be exploited by one's own personal creative arts, and which in turn form the core of the subnetworks. Interestingly, this is the same fractal tree of life as found in popular modern media: the Matrix.

[...] but on a much larger scale. TL;DR: An introductory look at the transposition.
Back in the actual operating system, the original shaman starts with the internal shaman framebuffer, which contains a primitive version of our primitive bitmap memory. The loop interpreter itself starts with the original primitive framebuffer and its base buffers, and then takes over from there. The framebuffer itself starts with the following function, which takes the current primitive framebuffer and its base buffers, as well as the current primitive address space and other useful information.
int Framebuffer(unsigned int base, unsigned int address, const unsigned u32 *buf, u8 *raw, u8 *raw8) { // TODO; this is going to be much used in the final process so just // ignore for now
The primitive image is an 8-bit RGBA image whose top-left corner is shifted left by 8 bits, and whose corner is shifted right by 8 bits. To avoid clipping the image, we just copy a 16-bit RGB (red, green, blue) channel along with the palette data for the left right vertical red, green, violet and blue channels. That means we can just call our opcode, which is 4-way memory copying, and it'll write the first eight bytes of the image directly to u8:


Grover is a fake news generator using GAN-trained GPT-2. Here, I've written the headlines, and everything else comes from the network.

Ancient Finnish poetry was actually a form of programming language

It turns out that there’s far more to Finnish languages than they probably realized. Undercover scientists have discovered a medieval Finnish poem that contains dozens of “programmable strings of words and marks.” The newly discovered script is known as asteninoligic codicolduism, which was originally used to write down poems and has never been studied before. As a programming language, asteninoligic codicolduism is different from the traditional Finnish alphabet.

“Asteninoligic codicolduism was unusual not only in that it uses the seventh syllable – one of only four in the entire Finno-Ugric languages,” which refers to the common Latvian and Finnish languages spoken in the Nordic countries, Jessica Wittmann and Simon Barstow wrote for IEEE Spectrum. “It was also unusually permissive in syntax and signifying: Many text points were studded with continuous string letters, resembling those found in more modern language software, but clashing with the medieval script.” Wittmann and Barstow describe how the manuscript seems to have been set out by a master of the genre, a man called Vilhjalmur, from the late 15th to early 16th century. Vilhjalmur is thought to have written as his own poetry by including ciphers within, which the scientists have since used to learn more about the language.

“The patient may indeed have been instructed by master Vilhjalmur to compose a poem; indeed, we found ciphers at the root of some letter points. Other ciphers seemed designed to apply problems specific to asteninoligic codicolduism, such as showing when a letter ends,” Wittmann and Barstow wrote. But there are some riddles as well. The poetry containing the code seems to have been more prolific than any other ancient texts in the region. This suggests that at least some of these poems were written from by someone who had some familiarity with the programming language.

“[We] found a connection in the ciphers that led to an incomplete strand of code we can safely call ¯\_(ツ)_/¯,” Wittmann and Barstow wrote. “It’s not far-fetched to think that the question of how it’s possible to write a program by successfully using foreign characters could reveal something about the conception of and construction of these abhisls. (We have retyped much of the text with the broken network.)”

In December, many linguists were taken by surprise when they discovered the first known programming language was written in Russian, along with a patchwork alphabet that contained an assortment of four-letter and single-letter words. Some scholars have questioned if the Google math formulas were just the code was written in classical Chinese characters, which is commonly used in China today.

Ecovillage is using Dwarf Fortress to train its residents

A Swedish ecovillage has managed to create a new kind of culture through the popular ASCII-generated game Dwarf Fortress. The villagers have taken to playing the game that gives players the opportunity to move from the beginning to the end of the game, which allows them to experience a realistic simulation of their own lives. The small section of Norway that community leaders are calling Ecovillage Games have helped them re-experience something that they once thought they had lost. In which the “members” have been able to maintain true to their images through very realizing social aspects.

Johanna Brendal, one of the community leaders who has worked with the new games that is playing out, said that they built up their own culture. It became part of them, but they were lacking in that respect until they started playing the games. After a while of this they started to be able to relate to each other. They all had in their faces glowing smiles and songs to sing. The most important part of this involvement is that there is no barricades in the game, with no borders preventing them from mingling, being united, and engaging with other people. And they aren’t restricted in the happiness at the end of the game when they can open their doors and engage in the entertaining — or even sad — possibilities with the other inhabitants of the blue room.

Pieter Palmo is one of the leaders for the nearby Norwegian town Nuuga, and he said that ecovillage games lead to a more positive atmosphere, a good atmosphere to thrive. One of the main focuses of the game is to create a culture that encourages children, young people, adults to grow up and become more aware of the barriers that they can build up for themselves. By working as a way for children to overcome shyness and fear and be present and engaged with other people. To break the trap of loneliness, as well as to be able to learn something about interacting with other people in different cultures and in different stages of their life.

Demoscene hackers discover a parallel universe

The plans and orchestration revealed by the Demoscene investigators illuminate a catastrophe for the next step in our civilization. Like the Arrow narrative arc in the comics, all plot points within the study would unravel the form of the inter-dimensional structure currently being investigated. A search for a single zero point reveals a significantly larger and much more complex inter-dimensional structure.

The Demoscene Dr. Carlson witnessed his body dissolve and travel to a parallel space, completing the process with minimal enhancements in terms of a relativity/lobotomy. Upon his return, Dr. Carlson’s hosts began the destruction of the host biome by erasing the particles by atomically pitting the compounds. As many were powered by a complex psychedelic interaction, their sacrifice was crucial to determining the ultimate structural plan in the parallel universe.